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White text across the top reads Once Human Reset Timers. The rest of the page is filled with four boxes, two per row. The top left and bottom right boxes are double the width of the other two boxes. Each box contains an icon, title, and countdown timer to show when each will reset.

Game Timers



A site to easily check when various timers reset in the game Once Human. Weekly and hourly resets occur in-game with times shown in different menus, so I made this to track the timers in a more accessible way.

A black background with 25 white numbers along the right side, each with two gold stars to the right of them. Ascii art creates a map of bracket markers and land masses with a small red pole with a star centered along the top, a purple sea monster in the ocean, and a hurricane spiral along the bottom right.

Advent of Code



Advent of Code is a puzzle game that occurs every December. Each year's map creates a different picture as you solve the puzzles. I don't often finish each year, but I always learn and have fun!

A light blue background with the face of a cartoon tiger centered in the middle. The tiger has round ears, small eyes, and a big smile. His name is Hobbes, from the comic strip Calvin and Hobbes.

CSS Images



A set of drawings created with HTML and CSS. Some ideas came from provided prompts and some from my imagination. It's fascinating all the different shapes you can create with boxes!