Featured Projects

Other Fun Projects

A black background with 25 white numbers along the right side, each with two gold stars to the right of them. Ascii art creates a map of bracket markers and land masses with a small red pole with a star centered along the top, a purple sea monster in the ocean, and a hurricane spiral along the bottom right.

Advent of Code



Advent of Code is a puzzle game that occurs every December. Each year's map creates a different picture as you solve the puzzles. I don't always finish each year, but I always learn and have fun!

A light blue background with the face of a cartoon tiger centered in the middle. The tiger has round ears, small eyes, and a big smile. His name is Hobbes, from the comic strip Calvin and Hobbes.

CSS Images



A set of drawings created with HTML and CSS. Some ideas came from provided prompts and some from my imagination. I got a lot of time to play with positioning items and creating shapes on these!

A screen with a chocolate brown background. Centered at the top are the words 'Good afternoon Linda'. In a column below this is a search bar, a grid of squares, and some decorative colorful waves at the bottom. Each square in the grid is a link to a different webpage, with an abbreviation of the page name, the page name itself, and a border in green, pink, yellow, or purple.

Home Page




My own personal home page, filled with links I visit regularly. Links are color coded by category, and the greeting is semi-randomly generated. It's nice to see a little personal touch when you open a new tab to go to the docs...again!